FALL LACROSSE UPDATE AUGUST 27, News, U13 - ALL, HLB, HL (Burlington Minor Lacrosse)

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Organization | Aug 27, 2024 | Adam Kennedy | 3177 views
We wanted to provide an update, as best as we can, on Fall lacrosse in Burlington. Based on messaging we received from the OLA yesterday (August 26) it looks like there will be Fall Sixes lacrosse for U9/U11/U13 boys and U9/U11/U13/U15/U17 girls. Additionally, the OMFLL is running a 10v10 fall field lacrosse league for U15 and U17 boys. Some of this programming is a pleasant surprise (girls get Fall lacrosse!), and some of it catches us by surprise and results in us not being prepared.

Some background:

  • ·       The OMFLL has run Fall field lacrosse 2021-2023 that is close to a “copy and paste” of the Boys Spring field lacrosse. We have participated in those years where there’s been enough players to field a team.
  • ·       We were told at the OMFLL AGM last Fall and the Winter meeting in February to expect 2024 to be the same, and we prepared for a “normal” boys Fall field lacrosse season.
  • ·       The OWFL historically has stated they do not have the volunteer horsepower to run fall programming, and so it hasn’t been an option for girls to play organized Fall lacrosse with us. We ran some Winter training last year and were hoping to expand this programming to run Fall training this year.
  • ·       Earlier this month, the OMFLL notified us that the U9-U13 boys would be taken over by the OLA Sixes program. No further information was provided. No mention of girls programming was given.

Based on the latest information from the OLA and OMFLL, here are our current plans:

U9-U13 Boys (OLA Sixes)

Registration has opened and practices start tonight (August 27) as planned. We just found out that there is a roster cap of 12 players, so we may need to have a player evaluation in the case we have more than 12 registrants.

We do not have a lot of insight into when / where games will be. It seems we may have flexibility, but at the mercy of availability of opponents, and fields. Right now, the OLA expects us to play a minimum of four games between September 15-30 and then there will be a provincial championship the weekend of October 12-13. We would probably attempt to schedule games between September 30 and October 12.

U15 Boys (OMFLL 10v10)

We have a coach and have enough registrants to declare a team. I know we still have roster spots available. Practices start tonight (August 27) as planned. Season starts September 7 and runs for four weeks on Saturdays in Brampton. The season will conclude with championships the October 5/6 weekend (we hope championships will be a single day, but pending league/division size).

U17 Boys (OMFLL 10v10)

As of today (August 27) we do not have a coach, nor enough registrants. We need more interest if we are going to run a team. Practices start tonight (August 27) as planned. Season starts September 7 and runs for four weeks on Saturdays in Brampton. The season will conclude with championships the October 5/6 weekend (we hope championships will be a single day, but pending league/division size).

Girls (U7-U11)

We will run Fall training with a practice once/week for six weeks:

  • ·       September 3, 10, 17, Oct 1, Tuesdays 6-7PM @ MM Robinson HS (grass) 
  • ·       October 8, 15 Tuesdays 6-7PM @ Nelson HS (turf)

Please express your interest in training using this link: https://forms.gle/gZMNFVTUaoMdJwzt5

In the meantime, we will evaluate if it will be possible to run a Sixes team in the U9 and U11 ages for OLA participation. Expect to hear more from us shortly.

Girls (U13-U19)

We will run Fall training with a practice twice/week for seven weeks:

  • ·       September 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, Tuesdays 6-7PM @ MM Robinson HS (grass)
  • ·       September 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, Wednesdays 7-8PM @ Maple Park (grass)  - 750 Maple Ave
  • ·       October 8, 15 Tuesdays 6-7PM @ Nelson HS (turf)
  • ·       October 9, 16  Wednesdays 7-8PM @ Nelson HS (turf) – To be confirmed

Please express your interest in training using this link: https://forms.gle/gZMNFVTUaoMdJwzt5

In the meantime, we will evaluate if it will be possible to run a Sixes team in the U13-U17 ages for OLA participation. Expect to hear more from us shortly.

How Do I Register?

Using the OLA registration portal here: https://www.sportzsoft.com/regApp/Login?OrgId=3327

Please ensure you select the correct product for your player.

Sixes Coaching

Our understanding with the information provided is that any OLA certified coach in any discipline can coach Sixes. So, if you have a certification already and can / want to coach, then don’t hesitate to reach out. If you are willing to coach and don't have certification, there is a September 7 clinic. Information can be seen here: https://ontariolacrosse.com/content/news/2024-fall-clinic-details.pdf

We pay for certification for coaches that complete clinics and register with us to coach in that year.

Sixes Refereeing

Are you an existing referee? If so, our understanding is all you need to do is an online module to be eligible to referee Sixes this Fall. We’re going to need your help, so please consider following through with this training.

Burlington Based Player Without a Team

Are you a Burlington-based player without a team because of no roster spot, or no team? If so, you can go to the next closest center with a team and roster spots based on the OLA rules for player movement.

Out of Center Player Looking for a Team

Are you from outside Burlington and looking to play with us? If so, you must follow the OLA rules for player movement and releases before registering with us.

Want to Know More About Sixes?

Here is the OLA website dedicated to the initiative: https://www.ontariosixes.com/

Hopefully the above information helps provide an update for everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Adam Kennedy – [email protected]

Matt Anger – [email protected]

Atanas Tchorbadjiysky – [email protected]

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