Jan 24, 2020 | Adam Kennedy | 1632 views
Registrations, Tryouts & Releases
With our season starting soon we would like to provide information regarding registrations, tryouts and the possibility of releases because a team folds.
-Please register asap if you plan on playing this year. Having a clear picture of registrations will allow us to make early adjustments to our team plans and communicate effectively with our registered families.
-We will be reviewing our registrations and will decide if a team must fold due to low registrations by February 18.
-Those not registered by February 18 may not be able to get a release to play at another center if a team folds.
-Practices will start for all teams in March. U13, U15 and U17 will start before March break. U9 and U11 will start after March break. We will notify families in advance if there are more registrants than expected roster spots and these initial practices become a tryout.
-We may decide to cut off further registrations if registration numbers are high enough to field a full team once a team starts practicing. Those attempting to register late may not be able to play.