More updates from the City and Ontario Lacrosse.
Hello BMLA Families,
First, we want to thank everybody for their patience and understanding through these difficult times. As an organization, our primary focus is on the health and welfare of our Burlington lacrosse family, with this current challenge it makes every one of our decisions that little bit more impactful.
Due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19, the City of Burlington has decided to extend the closure of all recreation facilities, parks, playgrounds, sports fields and City administration facilities to the end of June. You can read this news update on their website.
Also, the OLA has announced the postponement of all in-person lacrosse activities will necessarily extend until at least May 15th, pending further provincial directives and updates.
The BMLA board continues to work with the OLA and the local lacrosse governing bodies to determine a course of action. We are working with the City to gain greater insight into their expectations for sports facilities after the end of June.
All this translates into more questions than answers at this point. We expect more information to filter down from OLA as it relates to the various seasons, Boys Field, Girls Field and Rep Box. Our decisions regarding House League will depend on the City’s plans for sports facilities as we move into the summer.
Please keep an eye on our website. We will post updates as we get further information.
Stay Safe
Dave Hunter
President, Burlington Minor Lacrosse